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Completed comments

How to mark comments as "complete" and how to hide them in the Edit & Presentation view

Karen Mc Guinness avatar
Written by Karen Mc Guinness
Updated over a week ago

Gathering feedback from teammates & clients is crucial when storyboarding but keeping track of comments can be tricky.

Boords allows you to mark comments as "complete" to show that you've dealt with them. You can also hide your completed comments in the Edit or Presentation view (or in both). This way, teammates can see comments that are hidden from clients or vice versa.

Mark comments as complete

To view all comments, open the sidebar and select the Comments tab.

Next to the comment, click the checkmark to mark it as complete. To remove the checkmark, click it again.

When the comment is completed, a black checkmark will be displayed, both in the Edit view and in the Presentation view.

Show/hide comments in Edit & Presentation view

When a comment is complete, you can hide it in both the Edit and Presentation view. Out of sight, out of mind!

In the top-right hand corner, select Comment settings.

Here you can decide to show/hide completed comments in both the Edit and Presentation view.

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