1. Contact the Boords team
Contact the Boords team to get your account set up. Email us at [email protected] or send us a message via live chat.
2. Create class projects
On the Project Dashboard, create a project for each class group that you have - for example, Drama Grade 8, Drama Grade 9, Drama Grade 10.
To create a new project, click the “New Project” button on the right-hand side.
If you need to rename a project, click the three dots icon and select “Rename project”.
3. Invite students
Now you can begin inviting your students to join the team. Click your profile image in the top right-hand corner and from the drop-down menu, select “Invite people”.
Then, choose “Restricted access”.
This means that you’ll be able to invite your students to some projects but not all of them (i.e. students won’t be given access to projects that don’t apply to them).
Before entering the students’ email addresses, choose which project you want to add them to, e.g. Drama Grade 8, Drama Grade 9, Drama Grade 10 (you will have created these projects in Step 2).
Enter the students’ email addresses and select “Send invitations”.
Repeat the previous step for each class group until all students have been invited. Make sure to assign the students to the correct project - e.g. students from Grade 8 Drama should be added to that project.
4. Student accepts invitation
As soon as the invitation is sent, the student will receive an email (as in the image below) to confirm their place on the team. It’s very important to note that students will not be added to the team unless they accept this invitation.
They must click the link to accept the invitation.
After clicking this link, the student will be prompted to create their own Boords account. They'll need to enter their name, email address and create a password. Then, agree to the Terms & Conditions and click Create account.
5. Check status
To check whether a student has joined the team successfully, go to the Manage people page.
If it says “Active” beside their name, the student has been added - but if it says “Invited”, they haven’t yet accepted the invitation. Make sure that all students accept their place via the link in the email (as in Step 4).
Useful resources
The Help Centre has lots of articles and videos to learn about Boords. Here are some resources that you can share with your students:
A collection of short demo videos: https://help.boords.com/en/collections/1474181-demo-videos
How to create a storyboard: https://help.boords.com/en/articles/1284487-creating-a-storyboard
How to add images: https://help.boords.com/en/articles/3471397-adding-images-to-a-storyboard
How to add notes: https://help.boords.com/en/articles/3430147-adding-notes-to-a-storyboard
How to use the Script Editor: https://help.boords.com/en/articles/1865882-using-the-script-editor